
Alternatives Program Expectations

You have been sanctioned to attend the Alternatives Program as a result of your violation of the Student Code. This class has very reasonable expectations for your participation, but those expectations are inflexible. That inflexibility often catches students by surprise. By reviewing the information on this form, you can prevent yourself from making mistakes early that will cause problems for you in completing this course.

This course is about power in relationships and ways in which people inappropriately use power to try to control others. You will likely have relationships for the rest of your life. You can use the information in this course to help you in having healthy relationships now and in the future. It is our hope that you will approach the course with an open mind to get the most out of it.

  1. You are responsible for contacting Cognition Works, Inc (CWI) at 217-239-0142 and scheduling an intake assessment no later two days after the receipt of your sanction letter. You should complete your appointment no later than five days after the receipt of your sanction letter.
    1. Make sure to tell them you are calling for the Alternatives class and are referred from the Office for Student Conflict Resolution (OSCR).
    2. If there is no answer, leave your name, phone number, and the reason for your call.
    3. If you have not heard back from CWI in 24 hours, please call them again. It is your responsibility to ensure you are signed up for your intake.
  2. Once you have scheduled your intake interview with CWI, send an email to your disciplinary officer with the date and time of your intake.
  3. The Alternative program is a weekly group meeting occurring over 12 weeks. The groups meet for an hour and a half on Tuesday evenings at either 5:30 - 7:00 p.m. or 7:30 - 9:00 p.m. You will sign up for one of those times at your intake.
  4. You will be provided a list of expectations when you meet with CWI. Pay close attention to them. OSCR expects you to comply with all of their expectations. If you have any personal circumstances which may interfere with your full participation in the course (child care, academic travel), you should discuss those at your intake or with your group facilitators. All expectations will still apply to you. CWI may help you in planning how you can address and change your personal circumstances before they interfere with your participation.
  5. Your total cost for the program is one hundred dollars. The University is paying the remaining portion of your bill. The first fifty dollar installment must be made at the time of the initial intake. The second fifty dollar payment must be made no later than session six with CWI. You may pay the full one hundred dollars at the time of your initial intake if you wish. Payment is only accepted in cash or by check. It cannot be billed to your student account.
  6. I understand that I will be permitted a total of two absences from this class, at least one of which must be excused. Approval of absences is the sole discretion of CWI and explanations and documentation should be provided to them and not OSCR. Students are encouraged to call CWI immediately after any absence with an explanation and plans to bring documentation of the reason for the absence to the next group meeting. Make-up sessions will cost $20 per session.
  7. You should plan to arrive early to each session. Tardiness will not be accepted. This includes being even 1 minute late regardless of the explanation. You will not be admitted once the door is closed.
  8. CWI is located at 507 W. Springfield Avenue, Urbana. That is northeast of campus near the intersections of Lincoln and Springfield. They have a parking lot immediately next to the building. You are responsible for your own transportation to and from the program. CWI is accessible from MTD bus lines but you will need to consult the schedule.

Please understand that you must complete this program and follow all of their rules and expectations. If you fail to do so, you will minimally be required to start the program again, required to pay a new $100 fee, and complete 12 new sessions. Failing to complete the program may also lead to charges for failure to comply, and dismissal.

This is an important program. Please take it seriously. We believe that you will learn and grow from the experience.